Saturday, December 15, 2018

Hopeful Teenagers Chapter Two

Chapter Two

   "I can't". Jake said.
   "It's impossible and you know it". He added.
 Tise took his hands in hers and held it firmly. "It's just my savings and I don't think friendship has a limit when it comes to helping a friend in need".
"I can work extra time at the workshop and earn more money that I'll use to buy the parts and other things I will need to make the car, I don't want to get you involve with that". Jake said calmly.
"But am not complaining, am giving out my savings willingly and you know that, since it's your wish to make that junk into a better car". She paused then continued "you've been my only friend ever since I got transferred into this school, rendering help when you need it, is not a bad idea".
Jake sighed, "Tise", he said gently, "I've told you a dozen times already, I don't want it, I'll be fine, taking that money will make feel indebted to you and am not a fish who mooch off his friends".
"Oh, so this was all about feeling indebted, you’re not going to be indebted to me baby 'cause you’ll be paying me with a lifetime full of friendship". She told him with her all cute up "Tise's" smile.
"Oh Tise, you're incorrigible! Fine I’ll accept it", Jake gave in finally.
"Thanks man". She replied giving him a friendly blow on his shoulder.
"I should be the one thanking you for giving your lifetime savings to a guy you barely know".
Tise bit her lip, "I know it's kinda strange but something deep inside me keeps telling me to help, like it's pushing me and saying, Tise, help, help, help, you know you can do it, you have to help".
Jake smiled, "No doubt 'bout your sub conscious asking you to help, you kinda act weird sometimes, do you know that? Like you’re a weirdo".
  Tise burst into laughter.
"Maybe it's because I don't have a mom", she said curtly.
"Oops, 'm really sorry 'bout that, well I don't have a dad too".
"Awwn awwn, I think that's why you are the inevitable hulk", Tise smiled
Jake stiffened defensively, "I don't understand what you mean by that".
"The hard type that hardly mingle with people, pretending to be strong when your weak, forcing out a smile when your sad", Tise explained further, "fighting all of your problems and difficulties all alone, being independent".
Jake beamed at her, "and is that a compliment?”
"I guess so", she replied biting her lower lip
 "You like biting your lip, especially the lower one", he said staring at her.
  "Oh, I never noticed, I guessed you must have watched me well to observe that", she said with a smile.
  "Just observations and nothing more", he said blandly.
  "Oh I see". She smiled.
"Here is your text book", she said handing it over to Jake.
"You want to go grab some snacks?" he asked receiving his text book.
"Sure, am damn starving than you could even imagine, you sure know the right words to say at the right time, I like that"
Jake smiled, "Thanks for the compliment, let's go", he said as Tise slung her bag over her shoulder and Jake did the same then they both headed for the fast food joint in their school.

 "So when do you intend on collecting the money?" Tise asked collecting her ice-cream and doughnut from the ice-cream vendor.
  "As soon as you’re ready to give it 'cause the junk will be toured to my house today and I hope to start working on it as soon as possible". Jake replied.
  "So can I be there to see the junk?"
Jake raised an eyebrow, "why".
 "Why?" Tise paused for a while, shocked by his reply and then continued.
"because I want to see how wreck the junk is and man if a cook could draw up a taste of a food after losing her sense of taste and a fish monger could identify the type of fish his customers want to buy even though he is blind, then why should you be unable to make that junk into something nice even though you have few knowledge and experience of your dad's design".
"Wow, you've a great sense of humour, your completely right, that got me", Jake paused then continued.
 "But why are you putting so much hope on me, believing I can make that junk into something nice, am just a per_time worker in a mechanic shop and an sixteen years old guy with little experience ".
"Baby, my mom always told me then that true courage is achieving your dreams even when everyone says it's impossible, I believe if you truly have a passion for something you'll never give up and strive harder for the best", Tise took his hands in hers and held it firmly, "I see that courage in you Jake, I believe you can do it, believing you will win the competition".
  "The competition?" Jake asked shocked.
  "I thought the competition was based on scientific research that has to do with our health and body". He added.
"Same here, not until I asked the teach for more information and he said it's a science class, so we can create anything for the competition, an animal field, a computer software, a formula relating to health issues, it's under all aspect of science".
  "Tise that's totally amazing". Jake beamed at her.
  "We better get going before it's too late". He added.
  "Sure". She said and they both walked towards the gate of the school.
 "Somebody help!!!!" a man screamed across the road and Jake and Tise rushed to where the man is only to find out that an old man had being hit by a car which the driver took to his heels without worrying about the poor man he injured.
  "Tise, check his pulse and his heartbeat". Jake said in a shaky tone.
Tise took the man's hand, the left one to be precise and pressed her fingers in between the man's ulna and radius part of his hand.
"The blood is still flowing through his veins", she put her ear on the old man's chest and looked at her wristwatch.
  "Oh no Jake, there is a delay in his heart beat".
"Someone please call the ambulance!!!" Jake yelled and rose from where he was and tried to stop a car for help but all of them refused to help, some said they couldn't put a dead body in their car, some said why should they help someone they don't know, some said the blood of the man will stain their car, some said they don't want to be charged for murder, they all gave numerous excuses.
  After thirty minutes, the ambulance arrived and Jake and Tise followed the man to the hospital.
   Getting to the hospital, the doctor refused to treat the patient unless they deposited some amount of money as the advance payment, Tise tried to arrange for some money but before they could gather up the money, the man gave up a ghost.
Jake walked out in a slow manner with tears dropping from his eyes and Tise followed suit.
  "Only if the taxi driver had followed the traffic rules and regulations, the man will still be alive, only if the people I tried to stop agreed to help the man to the hospital, the man will still be alive, only if the ambulance had arrived on time, the poor man may have still being alive, only if that doctor that sworn an oath to always save lives had agreed to treat that man without requesting for advance payment, Tise, that poor man may have survived. No matter how hard we try our country still won't get better, it won't progress a bit if we keep on going like this, am just so tired of this country, why do they value money more than people's lives. Eight years ago, it was my mom's birthday, dad wanted to buy a birthday present for my mom and my innocent little sister followed him, on that day as usual people didn't follow traffic sign and my dad took a U-turn and drove on a one way then suddenly a big trailer appeared in front of dad's car and before he could do anything the trailer lost control and run them over, my little sister died on the spot but my dad managed to survive somehow, mum blamed dad for what happened and told him she can't afford to lose another child due to his carelessness so therefore if dad should not stop drinking before and when driving and follow the traffic rules she 'll demand for a separation but fate had its way, dad divorced mum just to get married to a multimillionaire's daughter because her father told dad that he 'll help him produce his latest car edition which involved a lot of money, Tise I lost my innocent kid sister due to mistakes that happens every day, mistakes people think are normal, and my dad due to lack of funds, ever since then I had only one rule and that is to follow all rules and regulations". Tise held Jake's hand in hers as he wept.
  "You 're not to be blamed Jake, our country is not the same country that gained independence years back, our country is not the same country great legends fought for, things keeps happening like this because everyone thinks any small mistake people make is a normal thing, they fail to realize that what is wrong is wrong and what is good is good, the old man's death was not your fault dear". Tears gathered in her eyes as she also wept.
  Few minutes later they arrived at Jake's house and they collapsed on the chair.
  Shortly after they heard a sound of a car engine and Jake peeped out his window and saw his boss then they both came out of the house and saw Jake's coworkers touring the junk into his compound.
Tise was shocked seeing the junk, it was a total wreck, completely damaged, "it sure will require lots of money to make something good outta this trash", she murmured as she watched Jake having a conversation with a man that's strange to her but she didn't hesitated to join the conversation.
  "The materials needed to make this junk into something reasonable is quite expensive and some of the car parts like the engine, fuel pump and so on can be difficult to find because they are scarce but with luck on our side we should be able to get them". Mr. Johnson said.
  Jake smiled, he waited so much for this day and now its here, a beginning of a new creation for him.
 "I know sir, am very grateful for your help and involvement and am going to try my possible best to make this junk into what I have in mind". He said with a glow.
  "I know you'll son, I've ordered for the parts and materials you requested for, hopefully you will get them latest by the end of the week". Mr. Johnson replied.
"Thanks a lot sir, I’ll appreciate it if I could get it by then sir". Jake returned the gesture Mr. Johnson gave him.
  "Okay son, I'll have to get going 'cause I've lots of work to do at the garage so stay blessed son". Mr Johnson smiled as he and Jake's coworkers left the house.
  "This will be more interesting than I thought, making a car will be one of the best moments am going to have in high school". Tise said as she walked slowly towards Jake and leaned forward to held his hands.
"And it's all going to be happening because of you man". She smiled.
  "I think I'll be looking forward not to let your hopes down miss Tise". Jake said and they both smiled, Jake felt his heart beat a little bit faster as he saw Tise smile and the curve of her lips, he felt a surge of happiness rushing inside his veins as the adrenaline increased he had not felt that way in his entire life. His heart is probably racing for the first time.
 Tise broke the silence. "And what were you thinking?” she said huskily removing his hand from hers.
  "Huh!!!” he was lost in thought.
"Well I was just thinking about how long it will take to make this junk into something nice, I just can't wait for my ride to look hot". He smiled at her, making the lie so real, he couldn't find himself telling her that he was falling for her when he himself still find it difficult to believe.
  "Oh yes, I’ve got to have a long talk with you about that and other things too like my research and our forth coming exams so I think I'll have to come more often". She told him blandly. The warmness of his midnight dark eyes gave her a disastrous effect on her nervous system.
  "And your really sure you want to come more often?” he gazed at her in confusion, the glittering innocent eyes beneath their soft lids were regarding him with some amusement.
 "You mean you don't want me to come around?” she raised a sardonic eyebrow.
 "You aren't intending to do me any bad or are you?" She added.
"No...of course not". He retorted indignantly.
"It's just that I've never stayed close to someone for a long period of time so I can't guarantee you coming more often and we working together a success". He added, wishing dearly that he had never told her about the junk stuff and all.
 Almost as if she could read his mind, Tise's mouth twitched in silent humor, "I'm not tempting you or am I?” she asked him blandly.
  "No...Not at all". Jake told her hurriedly, suddenly finding the atmosphere claustrophobic.
"That's better". She said with a smile.
"Although I will advise you learn how to stick around with people in the future, it will do you some good".
 "Yeah thanks, I’ll". Jake smiled, staring at her black hair and her hot eyes.
 "I think I'll better get going before my dad starts to make a fuss about my where about". Tise said feeling the gaze of his dark eyes underneath the heavy lids on her body.
  "Yeah, you should start going". She nodded as he watched her walk towards the gate of his house.
  "This is going to be hectic than I thought". Jake murmured staring at the junk right in front of him, he walked towards the door of his house and took a sit in front of his computer, switched it on and continued with the design he was creating.

  "Where the heck have you been all day?” Mr. Elliot yelled at his daughter as he watched her body trembled and saw the fear in her eyes.
"Dad, I just em… er… went to see a friend so she could help me with my assignments".
  "Dad I know you've warned me severally not to associate with students in my new school and make friends, but ever since mum died and we had to relocate to his town I have been very lonely, I need people around me". She took a deep breath wishing dearly that her father will understand her plight.
"I understand dear but I can't afford to lose you the same way I lost your mother, the outside world is too wicked than you can imagine, am doing all of this for your safety and don't forget that I can give anything to protect you, even if it means your so called friend's life".
  "I know dad", Tise said as she watched her dad walk away.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Hopeful Teenagers: Chapter one

Chapter One

"Oops!" Jake exclaimed staring at his wristwatch. He was running late to school again. He picked up his bag and rushed out of the house, nearly crashing into his mum whom he just managed to bid farewell to before bursting out the door.
  He arrived at school just before the first period of the day. Being in the final year in high school could be pretty tough sometimes. He hurried to his classroom and took his seat. Few minutes later the teacher came in and told the students about the upcoming scientists invention programme.
“it’s happening for the first time in our high school, it has to do with all science students creating and inventing things that have to do with science", the teacher said wearing a low smile on his face.
  After hearing about the competition programme, every student in happy day college got to work immediately, some started their research on cancer, some on heart blockage, some on tumours, some on the eyes, some on the lungs and so on. Who would sit idle when the winner gets a scholarship to study his desirable course in any university of his choice in the world?
  The bell rang, it was time for basketball practice, all the girls in all classes rushed to the basketball hall to see Jake practice. To them he looks more hot and charming when he plays basketball. He is an handsome guy loaded with charm. Tall, slender and smart, with his fine dimples and cute smile.
  The school had four top richest cool guys, whose fathers were the founders of the school, they come to school whenever they want to, bully anyone they want to, meet, use and dump girls like shit, they are the school craziest guys.
"Someone really needs to teach them a lesson", Jake thought about it every time they entered the school.
 Peter and his friends entered the classroom and took their seats, shortly after a girl arrived, her walking step was superb, her dangling earrings, her pink lips, her innocent eyes and her swinging hair as she walked. She was about five feet seven with chocolate skin, slender and hot. She sat down on a sit in front of Jake beside Peter, all the guys in the class were swept off their feet.
  Jake himself couldn't stop starring at her, she was an angel, but who knows what will happen next, maybe she was truly an angel who will teach those guys a lesson, no one could easily say.
 "Hi, am Tise", Tise said with a smile on her face.
Jake looked back to be sure she was actually talking to him and when he was sure he returned the kind gesture she gave him.
"Am Jake...Jake Matthew", he replied with a smile on his face.
 "Nice knowing you exist", Tise smiled.
Peter got angry and hit his hand on his desk “bloody asshole". He murmured, a tall and cute guy with pink lips, midnight eyeballs and curly hair.
  They had all their classes and it was closing hours, Peter walked straight to Tise's desk hoping to have a conversation with her.
 "Hi pretty damsel, am Peter Williams, what's yours?"
Tise concentrated on the biology text book she was glancing through.
"Hey miss am talking to you", Peter said hitting his hand on her desk.
"But I don't want to talk to you, can't you see that? And I’ll appreciate it if you'll let me be". Tise snapped at him and packed all her books inside her bag and turned back.
"Hey Jake, would you mind having a conversation with me? I really need to know about this school", she said politely.
  "Sure", Jake replied picking up his bag and then he left with Tise.
 "Damn", Peter hit his hand on the desk in front of him.
"Jake doesn't like to mingle with people, how come he followed her? Could it be that he is also falling for her?" He asked himself in curiosity.
"And why are you so curious to know?" Mike questioned. Tall, slender, fair skin with stunning looks.
"Is she a new catch?" Luke asked. Tall, cute, fair and bright eyes.
"Can't you see she is", Nate replied. Cute tall and slender with pink lips and bright smile.
"Will you guys just shut it", Peter said in annoyance and they all went numb.
"Come on guys let's go", Peter added and they all left.
"People will always say you’ll get the best training, inspiration, hope that..." Jake leaned forward and continued. "You may not be able to get in your entire life only at high school"
"Wow, cool", Tise blushed a little allowing her smile to reach her hot eyes.
"That's interesting", she continued, "don't you think there is more I should know about, like the rules and regulations of the school, the limit of naughtiness and especially who and who not to interact with?”
"You'll get to know about the rules and regulations tomorrow and speaking of who to interact with, the way you spoke to Peter earlier was not nice", Jake said putting his hands into his pocket, with his all cute and smart looks.
"Actually 'bout the way I reacted with peter, he kinda looks like a play boy and am not a girl who gets soften or smitten by sweet words" she said biting her lip.
"Wooh, how did you know peter is a play boy?" He asked amused.
Tise smiled, "I figured, have come across many guys like him and boy am always using my head", she said and they both burst into laughter.
"That's cool", Jake admitted.
"Hmmn, if you don't mind mademoiselle, I think I’ve got to go now", Jake said jokingly.
"Mademoiselle, isn't that French?" She asked.
"Yep", Jake replied.
"Hmmn nice, you may leave first Monsieur", Tise returned the kind gesture he gave her as she heard him walk towards the gate of the school.
"What a lovely guy", she murmured.

Jake got home a little bit late than usual, he dropped his bag in his room, hung his jacket on the wall then went straight to his mom's room.
 "Hi mom", Jake greeted his sick mother who is infected with cancer of the lungs and had to live on drugs he could afford. She looked pale, slender and had lost a lot of hair.
 His mother tried to raise her head to sit up and Jake helped her.
 "How was your day?" His mother asked with curiosity seeing her son smiling.
"More interesting than usual", he replied blushing.
"I think it was really interesting to see you blush earnestly, I pray you'll always be happy my son", she said dipping her fingers into his black soft hair and roughen it a little.
 "Mom, I got to go for my per time job, hope you don't want me to do anything for you?"
His mother shook her head
"Okay mom, bye", he pecked her on the right cheek and left.
  Jake arrived at the workshop he works in, it was a mechanic workshop, he is a type of guy who has a lot of likes, and he likes things easily when he gets to know fully about it. He changed into his workshop uniform and started working, in the process he saw a junk car that was disposed in the workshop, and he decided to ask his boss what it was for.
 "For extraction of metal", Mr. Johnson replied sipping his coffee. A huge man with bald hair and dark skin.
"Sir can you please sell it to me, I really love it", Jake pleaded.
"It's just a junk, why do you want it so desperately?"
"Because I want to renew it and make it look good", Jake replied innocently.
" have been a very good boy ever since you started working here, letting you have the junk is not something big, and you can have it as a gift from me to you ".
"Oh really? Thanks you very much sir, am deeply grateful sir", he said happily.
"You’re welcome son", Mr. Johnson replied.
  "I'll get back to work now sir", Jake said as he rose.
  "Okay son".

  As Jake is good in music, dance, arts and he is intelligent, he also have his way with computers, he got home late in the night and went straight to his room to begin his research for the competition, he focused on the heart, heart...heart blockage and so on, his dad happened to be a mechanical engineer, maybe that led to the passion he has for cars, he had always watched his dad create designs for cars he want to make.
 "This is really going to be difficult but I need to make a design more than dad's designs in order to show him that without him I can still become a mechanical engineer". He murmured and after rolling on his bed for couple of hours he fell asleep.

  Tise's lips parted in soundless gasp, at the same time she banged her hand on her computer desk in front of her, putting on a jean short and a green crop top to match with.
  "I still can't make a better presentation about brain tumors", she murmured in disappointment.
"I better try to get some sleep", she added then took a sip out of the juice in front of her and headed for her bed, laid on it then she removed a picture underneath her pillow.
"I really wish you are alive mom", she put the picture on her chest and hugged her arms around it and later on she fell asleep.
"Who the hell do you think you are?" Peter demanded in exasperation, pointing a finger at Tise.
"It was just a friendly morning greetings, how dare you snob me?"
Tise rolled her eyes at him, "and when did I do that?"
Peter stared at her, "why didn't you reply my greetings earlier?"
Tise gave him a measuring look, "do I look like a kid to you? The one you can control? Reciprocate your greetings when you want me to, extend my greetings when you want it, smile at you when you need it 'cause I just don't get it?”
Peter smiled stiltedly, “I hope not, but you could at least reply my greetings, it's the least I expected from you"
"Oh okay, fine, morning, hope we are good now? And please I feel quite uncomfortable with the way you keep talking to me and I'll kindly ask you to let it stop", Tise said in her best way of being polite.
"Not yet", peter flushed.
"Until I get what I want", he added
"That's your problem man, have got loads of work to do, so can you kindly excuse me and gently return to your seat?"
Peter leered at her, "okay, it’s just for starters in friendship".
 Tise chuckled, "what..e..ver man" and turned her gaze to the text book she was trying to figure out something from.
 "What a miserable guy", she murmured after he left.
"That was not good", Mike said gloomily as Peter returned to his seat.
"I have been wondering if am only sexually attracted to that girl or I really want to be in a deep relationship with her, you know, something genuine and real that will last for a very long time", Peter said with great enthusiasm.
  "Sweet heavens!!! Is Peter really falling in love? I can't believe what am hearing", Nate put on a smile, struck by surprise.
"Mehn, I think my bro here is really born again and have received some kind of deliverance", Luke added with a smile.
"Will you guys just stop fooling around? It doesn't look like am joking, I think I really like her, she didn't fall for my walking steps, swags, my wealth and my charming look, I mean we are always the most charming guys in HDC who girls are always crazy for", Peter said and Nate flipped in.
"Who can say, maybe she is different and have got other taste apart from what you've got, we were handsome and cute but not anymore ".
  "I hope she don't hear about your past behaviours with girls", Luke smile warmed them.
"Maybe she likes intelligent guys like Jake", Mike suggested.
All the same, the glow of admiration in Peter's eyes as he stared at Tise and wanting to hold her, hug her and kiss her was still on his mind.
  "Come to think of it Nate, you said earlier that we were handsome but not anymore, what do you mean by that?" Mike questioned.
Nate sighed, "Can’t you see it guys? when we were in our first year in high school, we were charming, young, handsome and cute, our hair styles was lovely, our characters as the PNML guys were purely good intentions before Peter changed the whole thing saying he wanted us to look more matured, giving us unfitted hair styles, changing our intentions, made us to oppress students who are of average status in wealth, not attending classes regularly, not abiding with the school rules and especially Peter not putting on his school uniform".
  "That's true, we were meek, gentle, social with all of our classmates, Intelligent I suppose and hot". Luke said with a grin.
Peter lifted his chin, "so you guys are saying am the one at fault?"
"Maybe, 'cause it was not what we really wanted, being oppressors and the dullest students in school 'cause we are rich", Mike said looking slightly embarrassed.
Peter sighed, "So what are you guys suggesting we do?"
 "Go back to the guys we were and having the good intentions we had", Nate sounded amused.
  "Okay guys, we are going to do just that, after school hours we 'll go to a nearby salon and have normal haircuts, then we’ll create our reading time table and study hard as before, be the PNML guys with good intentions because you guys sounded like am the selfish one among us", Peter concluded.
"That's the man bro", Nate said nicely.

"Hey Jake, can you lend me your physics text book, I need to glance through it to figure out some formulas", Tise asked politely.
He nodded gravely and brought out his physics text book and handed it over to Tise.
"Thanks, what's wrong? You look so dull and worried, did anything go wrong?" she asked with concern, receiving the text book.
"Nothing much, I just need to figure out some things and save up some money". Jake replied curtly
"And are you sure it's not something you will like to share or talk about?”
"Not yet", Jake replied calmly.

Hopeful Teenagers: A novel

Shonibare precious

 Hopeful Teenagers

Some teenagers never gave up on being Hopeful, they never stopped hoping, hoping for a better tomorrow and a better country Nigeria.

   To all the diligent teenagers and youths who never give up on life

  About the Author

Precious is a student of Olabisi Onabanjo University,  studying agricultural economics, she is in her second year, she started writing when she was in senior secondary school, she is a fan of music, a poet and a dancer.


8.Am, Lagos, Nigeria.
   May 22nd 2007......
"The whole city is in chaos as a result to an explosion that took place at moslem international college, lot of lives were lost and many children's future were cut short. The police are trying there possible best to find out the cause of the explosion, rumour has it that it was due to the fake wires and cables supplied by the almighty flourish company that caused the explosion, but we can't be so sure. Stay tuned as we bring to you the best news at your service". A lagos T.V reporter in his early twenties with a strong masculine structure all suit up said.
   "The country is in tears as we heard about the embezzlement of funds that brought upon the country a great recession, the citizens are in pains, mothers and fathers running around to provide for their children, children praying for the success of their parents, underage kids hawking just to survive. The question that comes out of every one's mouth is that will there ever be a better Nigeria? We don't know what tomorrow is going to bring but looking at how things are going, Nigeria may perish anytime soon, our country respect is been lost and we bow our head in shame, oh lord we seek thou face". Another T.V reporter said with tears almost dropping from her eyes. A very young and cute up young lady.

"Mummy, mummy!!! What's happening? Why can't I go to school, what's happening in our country?" Little Jake asked his mother with worried eyes.
  "Oh baby, don't worry about this and just focus on your home lessons, there will be a better Nigeria I assure you dear". She said drawing her son closer to her.
"Mummy I want chocolate", little Lola cried as she hugged her mother and brother.
  "Happy birthday sweetheart". Mr Matthew said as he entered the sitting room with a smile.
  "Oh dear, thanks a lot, I almost forgot it's my birthday, with the chaos happening in our country one can even forget to breathe". Mrs Matthew said a gloomily.
  "Oh Christ, I forgot to pick up your birthday gift at the supermarket, I think I had enough of alcohol at the company's party". Mr Matthew said.
  "So you have been drinking?" Mrs Matthew raised an eyebrow.
  "Not really sweet, just a few glasses, don't worry hon let me go back to pick up your gift".
  "Daddy, daddy, I want to go with you, I want chocolate", little Lola cried out and clung to her dad.
  "Maybe you should just take her with you, she has been crying for chocolate all day".
  "Okay dear I will be back soon".
"Drive carefully and come back home soon, I love you hon".
   "Love you too dear". Mr Matthew said as he headed out of the house.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

The dark side of the moon: short story

    The Dark Side Of The Moon.

     Shonibare precious

Some teenagers never get the chance to escape the dark side of the moon, they never stopped being a victim of evil circumstances.


How could she have been so foolish?
  Sitting on a slated bench amid the dense steamy atmosphere of the dimly lit street light on the roads of Ibadan. Tiwa glumly wiped the perspiration from her face.
 If only she'd had the sense to have not followed her wayward friends to the birthday party, if only she had listened to her poor mother and respected the wishes of her father who happened to be a great person of pride in the small town they lived in, maybe things would have just been different, if she had thought about the consequences of going secretly to a coed sleep over her best friend organized and persuaded her to attend she would not have been stripped off her garment of honour and pride ruthlessly by a guy she knew nothing about, she would never have made the elementary mistake of taking alcohol and dancing shamelessly with guys twice her age.
   Now it's all a total disaster, how is she going to face her father who struggled hard to give her education and shelter? How will her father uphold his face on the roads of Ibadan? Their family pride is lost and broken and her life is a complete mess.
   To compound her mistake, she hadn't even bothered to make a research about the sleepover, her best friend turned out to be her greatest enemy. If only she had listened to the cry of her poor mother who told her friends could be deceitful sometimes and she should think twice before making decisions.
  But what could a miserable teenager at thirteen years think about? She just got to senior secondary school one and was blinded by the beauty of the world only to realize now that it's all false and a destructive path. She looked at herself, her dress torn in pieces, blood stained all over her torn dress, the journey to a beauty life for her has just been cut short and now she is in this lonely streets regretting...
  "What will I tell my father now?" She wept bitterly then slowly she drafted into an unconscious state, she had too much of alcohol.

           Chapter One.

"I never want to see your face in my house again", Mr. Daniels roared with anger in the four walls of the hospital room.
  "No honey, please don't do that, she is only a small child, she only made a small mistake by not trusting herself to make the right decision, you can't throw her out of the house because of that", Mrs. Daniels pleaded with tears dropping from her innocent eyes.
  If only her husband will stop being stubborn; if only he could understand that parents also make mistakes; if only he will just listen to her and pity her poor child who has been blinded by the beauty of the world; if only... She thought in her head.
 "Woman, I don't have time to listen to your cock and bull’s stories, this girl is not worthy to be called my daughter, this little witch you call a child is nothing but a disgrace to my family. This thing can never be my daughter!”, the tall hefty man with a bald head and well-built body for a man of forty-five years of age said with annoyance.
  "Daddy, please just listen to me, I didn't do it intentionally, it was not my fault. I know have committed a great sin, I just want you to listen to me".Tiwa pleaded, a young girl in her early teenager age with long black hair and brown skin, lean and tall for a girl of her age.
  "You this stupid girl, you are a curse to my family, a curse to me, just pack your things and go before you create more troubles for me, I can't even stand this shame anymore. I just hate you Tiwa, I hate you!!!" Her father yelled at her.
   "But where do you want me to go in this lonely world? Where would a thirteen years old girl like me find comfort in this dangerous world?" She asked in anguish, her heart bleeds as if it has been pierced by a knife.
  "You can find comfort in the bushes, on the streets but not in my home!" Her father said with bitterness then walked out of the hospital room, he didn't really know what was hurting him so much, maybe it was the pain of his daughter lost pride or the stubbornness of his daughter which brought great shame upon his family or that the principles he taught his daughter was all useless now.
  "Mummy, do something, save me from this dangerous world daddy is sending me to", she wept bitterly.
  "I wish there is something I could do but you know your dad, I cursed the day I married him. He will kill us both if he finds out I know about your whereabouts or hide you in a safe place", she said in tears, the pale looking helpless mother with a six months fetus in her womb, fair in complexion and elegant for a woman of forty years.
  "Mum, so you are just going to send me out to the lions out there who are aching to consume my blood and tear me apart?" She asked in fear.
  "Am sorry my child but am also helpless here", her mother said in tears.
Tiwa wiped her tears, she knew that was the limit.
"I will go but I assure you one thing, I will definitely come back". She said with pain.

"It's only going to be a moment you will never forget all your life, trust me". Tina had told her with a deceptive smile and indeed she will never forget, the video of her being raped is been watched on a crazy website all over the world.
  "My daughter, the world is full of lies and deceitful people, you never know who is truly your friend so don't ever trust anyone in this wicked world to make the right decisions for you. The real hero in life is the one who make the right decisions even when he or she is in a difficult situation", Her mother had advised her.
   Tiwa had barely listened to the dire warning of her mother and did as she pleased.
 As always, when thinking about the happy family she had lived with and the bright side of the moon she had enjoyed, she felt a pang of deep sadness. In the past thirteen years she had lived with the love and care of a wonderful family of five, her mother, father, her two siblings and herself.
    Her elder sister had always been an element of pride for her family but she was just the complete opposite.
  Wandering aimlessly on the road of Ibadan she stumbled upon a block and fell.
   "My daughter, where are you going? You look lost and forsaken, hope all is well?" A woman probably in her early fifties, tall, fair in complexion and plumpy said worried.
  Tiwa wiped her tears and rose to her feet. "I have been disowned by my parents, I committed a costly mistake, a grave sin that cannot be forgiven and now am hopeless, homeless and starving. If only I could get a job I will be so glad", she told the total stranger standing in front of her the truth.
  The woman sighed, "will you follow me and do the job am willing to offer you?"
   "Yes ma, I will do it", Tiwa replied happily.
"Good girl, I have the prefect job just for you", the woman said with a crooked smile.
"Come in dear, this is just the right place", Madam Sade said laughing wryly.
  Tiwa looked around, black calabash piled up on every corner of the room, red and black clothes tied over an idol, different kinds of fetish things laid all around the room.
   She paused then realized she was really in a shrine.
"What are we doing here!" She gave a loud shriek.
   "You wanted a job honey... You get one", Madam Sade laughed drastically.
  "What do you mean?" Tiwa's asked with confusion.
"You are about to become a prostitude sweetheart and we are here to make an oath so the day you try to escape or sell me to the cops will be the day you die", the woman said firmly.
  "No, no, no am not doing this", Tiwa screamed on the top of her voice and before she knew it she was plunged into a silent world and lost consciousness.

          Chapter Two

The alarm clock rang and Tiwa woke up to the annoying sound that came from her bed clock before switching it off. She rose from her bed slowly and then yawned.
  "Oh it's morning again", she said in a sweet voice, she walked straight to the window and pulled the curtains open, the cocking sounds of chickens birds chirping, distant noises and chattering in the background, the sun reflected and shone on her face.
  "A new day and another day to work hard to survive", she said and picked up her diary.
    "Dear diary, it's been exactly three years, four months, six weeks and ten days my father chased me out of my comfort Zone into the dangers of the world. Surviving has not been an easy task neither has feeding been a success, I now sell my body for money and my pride for shelter. If life has taught me one lesson, it is to never give up no matter what happens, but I am so so sure of one thing, I will never let go of that monster and the bitch who destroyed my life, the pains never left".
 "Tiwa, get out of that stinking place you call a room, a new customer has just arrived", A woman screamed on the top of her voice with annoyance.
  "Oh God, how I wish that woman will just disappear or end up dying from a heart attack by yelling", Dise said with a sleepy voice but audible enough and Tiwa smiled.
  "You are up early today", she said.
"Abi na, since I don't get many customers as you do, I cannot be disturbing my life by waking up early, but honestly we really need to teach that woman a big lesson, all she sabi do na to scream, I go still show her one day that I be correct Igbo girl, make she no do her madness reach my side at all", Dise said with anger.
  "Better take it easy, admit it or not, we can only eat two square meals daily because we work for her, even though she uses us like machines we have no choice but to comply. No matter how much I try to erase the thought of freedom from my head, it always keep coming but I know one day, I will really realize I’m stuck with her for life", Tiwa said calmly.
  "Sweetheart, we are just sixteen years of age, we shouldn't give up on life now. Although I know one has to live ruggedly in Lagos to survive, I believe one day we will get out of this mess we found ourselves in", Dise told her.
   "Amen oh, I really pray so".
"Now go dress up and go meet your first customer of the day before that incredible witch screams your name again", Dise smiled at her.
  "Thanks, honey, I don't know what I would have done without you", she returned the kind gesture Dise gave her.
"Abi you are mad ni, Oga better give me my money before I design your face with this broken bottle now now", Tiwa said pulling a man probably in his thirties, who reeked of alcohol and cigarette.
  "You no fit do me anything! 3k never do you? abi how many round I do sef?, with that your tiny hole you call a vagina", the man replied with a cigarette in his mouth trying to break loose out of Tiwa's grab.
  "Madam no go hear story, I take God beg you, abeg, just give my money, I no want trouble ehn, just pay me my 5k in peace", Tiwa said with a broken voice about to cry.
  "Just take your money, you miserable prostitute, Asewo!!!" The man said removing two thousand naira note from his pocket and threw it on her body.
 "Just go ehn, I don't have your time. Madman Oshi". She said with anger after the man has left.
"Thank God he gave me my money or else I will be so dead" she added with a sigh of relief and collapsed on a sofa in front of her as she heard noises from the second house.
She walked to the window and pulled the curtains open.
 "Wow, new neighbors!!!" She said amazed.
"You people should get ready to start hearing sexual voices daily", she added and was about to close the curtains when she saw a young guy about the age of seventeen to eighteen if she is not mistaken.
  "Wow, a young new neighbor?" She said in disbelief.
  "This is gonna get more interesting than I thought".
  "And who are you talking to?" A woman probably in her fifties, tall and plumpy said with a harsh voice.
  "Nothing madam, I was just talking to myself", she trembled in fear.
 "Where is my money?" She asked chewing a gum indecently.
  "This is it ma", Tiwa said giving the money to her.
"Good girl, you know you are one of the faithful girls I have working for me unlike that Dise girl who is so cunning", she said counting the money.
  "Thank you madam", Tiwa said and walked out of the room.

"Guess what I just saw", Tiwa said barging into her and Dise's room.
  "Tiwa what is it again?" Dise asked chewing a gum, she has a slender body, tall and fair in complexion.
  "We have got new neighbors and he sure looks like a student, maybe if we could become close and get to hang out he may teach me more lessons so that I Will be able to obtain jamb form and gain admission into the university, get my daddy's love back, go back home and most especially get my revenge on that bitch who ruined my life". She said truthfully.
  "You haven't given up huh? What's the assurance that your dad is even going to take you back after all that has happened?"
  "He will if I can live a better life, he was just too harsh that I lost my pride and brought a disgrace upon our family. But honestly, to gain admission will be very difficult and I haven't been to school in three years!!" Tiwa let out her fears.
  "See sweetheart, I know it's okay to dream but can't you just let the past go and forget about revenging on some girl and going back to a family that didn't even care about how you fared in three years.."
Tiwa cut in "Three years, four months, six weeks and ten miserable days".
  "You see, you never forget".
"And I will never forget my home... Never" she said and rushed out in tears.
"Ouch!!!" Tiwa cried out in pain as her leg got caught by the door, she was peeping at her new neighbor dance steps again but this time, around she got caught.
  "Hi, am Gift", the cool dashing handsome young guy with a well-built structure of an athlete for an eighteen years old guy stretched out his hands to raise the poor helpless girl lying on the floor suffering from the pain of a broken toe.
  "Erm, I was just passing by, didn't know you were going to open the door", she said nicely deeply wishing he won't chase her off and give her an audience to talk.
  "The last time I checked, that wasn't how to reply to an introduction", Gift said dipping his hands into his pocket.
  "Oh sorry, I forgot my manners, I'm Tiwa... Tiwa Daniels", she said in her best way of being polite.
"Cool, nice meeting you though have been noticing you have been sneaking up on me for a couple of weeks now, you might please want to explain the reason why". He said nicely.
  Holy crap!!! I’m screwed.
  "Or are you kinda hitting on me?" He asked with a dangerous gaze.
  Double crap!!! He talks like a UK returnee, goodness Tiwa, he is a UK returnee!
"Will you at least say something?"
  "I was interested in your dance moves and I couldn't keep my eyes off them so I decided to peep daily so that I will be able to learn them", she said as fast as she could then took a deep breath after she was done. She was glad she finally found a lie to tell.
  "Oh I see, but why are you so nervous? Do I look like I bite or something?" He asked worriedly.
 "No o, not at all. I was just scared you might not want to talk to me", she said in a rush.
  Triple crap!! She is really nervous.
 "Why won't I want to talk to you?" He asked confused.
 'Because am a low-class prostitute that has to sleep with numerous men when my mates are going to school'. She thought.
  "I was just thinking you might just not like me", she cropped up a lie but it's partially true though.
 He smiled, "I’m not jerk you know, although I will admit am one for not asking you in earlier, pardon my manners".
  "Oh, no problem at all". She replied calmly but what can she do? He is as cute as ever.
He pulled her up and then ushered her in.
  "So what do you care for, water or juice? " He asked politely.
"Err...why don't we start with moves now, am so eager to learn those dope steps of yours ", she said with a smile.
   "Okay ma, as your lordship pleases", Gift said sweetly then picked up the T.V remote and turned on the music.
"We are gonna start with Afro dance steps first before moving to Trap, just stand on your toes and do the chopping movements with your hands, it's very simple trust me", he said demonstrating.

      Chapter Three
"Tiwa, have been wondering, we really became real close this past few weeks but you never invited me to your house and introduced me to your boss, you said you work for her but never told me the nature of your job nor explain the reason why drunkards, smokers and men with less dignity and pride come in and out of your home". Gift said calmly.
   "It's a dark side sweetie, you will come to know about it when the time is right", Tiwa told him.
"Or is it what am thinking", He raised an eyebrow.
  "And what are you thinking?" She asked with a low voice trying to hide her fears.
  "Though I spent most of my life in the state even though am a Nigerian but from the look of things, are you into prostitution?" He asked puzzled.
  She sighed, "You're not far from the truth Gift, it's really a long story".
  "Then share it with me, am willing to hear it all, you are a good girl so am sure there is a dark side to why you are in this mess".
  "Then brace your ears sweetheart to hear the story of Tiwalade Daniels", she said firmly then narrated the whole story to Gift.
  "Wow, you sure went through a lot dear", He said shocked.
"I know, I went through hard times and I survived", she gave a small smile that showed the curve of her lips.
  "But didn't you take an oath? Are you not suppose to is after telling me all what happened between you and that wicked woman?" He paused then continued, "don't tell me you are gonna start vomiting blood and then die in my presence like in the movies". He said in fear.
  Tiwa burst into laughter and Gift watched her with worry.
"The oath thing was just a facade, I found out last month when I mistakenly eavedropped into a conversation Madam Sade was having with her fake herbalist on how to trap another innocent girl, naturally no girl will be willing to go into prostitution so they set up the whole thing to create fear so that none of us will run away or rat her out to the cops for child abuse. All of us in the house doing prostitution are under eighteen".
  "Wow, so why didn't you leave after you found out?"
"There was no where to go, she never gave us money. She collects all our money and only buys us things she considers we need and besides I want to get to this root of this matter and get her arrested so that all other helpless female teenagers won't get into her trap. I guess I have a lot of people I want to get my revenge on and put them just where they belong".
  "Am willingly to help Tiwa", Gift told her taking her hands in his.
"It's quite dangerous Gift, you have a life, don't get yourself involved in all this fucked up lifestyle although the main reason why I kept sneaking up at you before we became friends was for you to teach me few lessons. I want to obtain a jamb form and probably gain admission into the university maybe if I could have a better life my parents will take me back. Trust me Gift you are too good to get yourself involved in this mess". She said with tears dropping from her innocent eyes.
  "I want to do it Tiwa, I really wanna do this, my parents are influential, we can use some top connections to get to high rank police officers and get her arrested and then nab your friend who sells girls virginity and pride to guys twice their age because of some social media platform that pays her money when she uploads the videos of that evil act. This is not only for you, many helpless girls out there fall victims for these everyday and the only way to eradicate this is if we start nabbing those we know of, we change the world Tiwa, it's just one step at a time".
  "Okay if you insist. Am really glad and grateful your supporting me in this".
   "Anything for you cutie", He winked at her and she smiled.
"I must confess though I barely trust people after all what have happened but I don't know why I really trust you", She smiled like a child.
  "Complements huh?" He blushed.
She smiled again but this time her smile was so innocent, "Yeah".
 "Okay back to business, how much information do you have about Tina and her gang?" He asked with a serious tone.
    "Have been following her movements on social media, she is currently in port hacourt. She just finished her W.A.E.C exam and preparing to go to the uni, she is fucking rich now. The bitch is having a smooth life".
Okay. You are gonna give me all the details about Tina, we will have to hack into her account on that crazy website and get a lot of evidence we are gonna use against her, what's the name of the website again?"
      "", she replied blankly.
"Okay I will start my work on that as soon as possible, am gonna go to the mall, get some tracking devices you will need to bug Madam Sade's room, track her mobile so we will be able to get more proof".
  "Alright, am totally in though am a little bit scared", she said bitting her lower lip.
  "Am here Tiwa. Are you ready to go through the dark side of the moon for the last time".
  "Dark side of the moon?" She frowned then continued, "what do you mean by that?" She asked puzzled.
  "It was probably a dark night when you got stripped off your comfort zone and now we are gonna send all those who made your life miserable to experience the dark side of the moon".
   "Am so so gonna love this". She twisted her mouth in anger.

  Chapter Four
"Tiwa, what have you been up to lately? You have been acting like a detective and paying close attention to Madam Sade's movement lately", Dise asked .
   "It's a long story Dise, I promise to tell you all of it when am done", She replied calmly.
  "Just be careful and don't put yourself in a mess you won't be able to fix" Dise adviced.
  "I will dear, oh she is here", Tiwa straightened up as she saw the sight of Madam Sade.
   "Am going out, you girls should take care of the house and don't try to do act funny by keeping any money you earn if any customer passed by. You people kuku know me, I will design your lives with beating if I find out". She said chewing a gum roughly.
   "Yes ma!" Tiwa and Dise chorused and watched her leave.
"I need to see Gift quickly, I'll be right back". Tiwa said in a rush.
  "Are you people sure you are not in a relationship bayii because I don tire for all this Gift, Gift, Gift talk for this house", Dise rolled her eyes at her.
    "I will be back soon". Tiwa replied blankly.
"Gift, she is on her way out. According to the information I got she is going to bring another helpless teenager into this evil act", Tiwa said with bitterness.
   "Okay. Did you put the tracking device in her fone?"
"Yes I did".
   "Good. Am gonna switch on my computer and track down her location, have spoken to the cops already I will just call them when I have concrete evidence that she is with that fake herbalist and they about to engage in their dirty business".
      "Okay cool", Tiwa said with relieve.
"And about that website, I opened an account and have reported the website to the right authorities. Tina is so dumb to have put her location on Facebook now there are,possibilities of nabbing her soon". He told her with delight.
    "Nice, thanks a lot fish am really so grateful I met you". She smiled at him.
"You know ya always welcomed. Now let's start with today's lesson, what subject should we start with today. Physics or chemistry?"
  "Chemistry, am all done with the waec syllabus for physics".
"Nice one mate, am proud of ya". He said with a grin.
  "Nice one teach, you are doing a great job". Tiwa said and they both burst into laughter. Gift felt his heart beat a little faster as he saw Tiwa smile and the curve of her lips, he felt a sound of happiness rushing inside his veins as the adrelanin increased he had not felt that way in his entire life, his heart is probably racing for the first time.
   Tiwa coughed and broke the silence.
"So do we start with organic chemistry today?" Tiwa asked with a smile.
  "Er_er_em, yes organic chemistry it is". Gift muttered, he was really lost in another world.

Gift woke up to the sound of his ringing phone and picked up the call.
   "Morning sir". He said with respect.
"Morning son, we got all your evidence and proof. Madam Sade and her accomplice have been nabbed and they are gonna be charged to court on Monday. I really appreciate your efforts on the progress of our country", D.C.P Moses said with delight.
   "That's great news, what about the case of Tina and her accomplice who trades innocent girls to the net?"
   "She had also been nabbed, she confessed she uses charm to persuade teenager girls to go to coed sleepover she organizes twice a year and post the videos of them been raped on net. She had really earned lots of money, the sex go crazy website has been closed down and the owner of the website is gonna have to answer to the high Court".
   "That's really great news sir, thank you so much". Gift said happily.
"No son, I should be the one thanking you. If teenagers of today have your type of discretion, Nigeria will definely progress".
  "Am just doing my job as a proud Nigerian sir", He said with a grin.
  "Am really proud of you son and am very sure your parents will be when they hear about the news".
    "Thank you sir".
"I have to go now son, I will talk to you later".
  "Alright sir, you just made my day". Gift said then hang up.
He jumped out of his bed and headed straight for Tiwa's house.
  "Tiwa, Tiwa!!!" He barged into her house screaming her name and Tiwa came out of her room.
    "Gift what's the update? You are looking so happy this morning".
He lifted her. "We did it baby, we did it and now you all are so free, Tina and her accomplice has been nabbed likewise Madam Sade and her accomplice all that is left is for you to go back to school and further your education".
  "Finally!!! The tenure of the dark side of the moon is finally over and now the bright side is back. I am so free, I just wish my parents will forgive me".
   "Oh about that..." He puts her down and went to open the door.
    "Tiwa!!" Mr Daniels called out.
"Daddy". She shouted in joy, she couldn't believe her eyes.
  "I am so sorry for everything My child", Her father said remorsefully.
  "It's okay Dad, its all over now". She said and hugged him tightly.
"Come on child, your family awaits you". Her father said and Tiwa looked at Gift, looked at her father and at Gift again and went to hug him tightly. Finally the dark side of the moon is gone.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Myth: Quote

Magical, mysterious...
The land of witches and faes
A world of myths.

Life: Quote

Life is only as real as your true self,
You bring out the passion...

Ferocious moon: Poetry

The ferocious moon brings back memories we shared,
The humpy little secrets
Trapped in the cage of hearts.

It's our own different universe,
Our little doppy creation.

Broken heart: Quote

A broken heart hurts a lot,
But the truth is that;
It brings out the real you...

10 words story

#10 words story

They shared a love beyond comparison,
Just him and her.

A new beginning: Quote

The beginning of a new vision,
New generation and great passion;
Starts with you and me.

Relationship Quote

Relationship ain't meant to be prefect,
 We just believe in our minds that they are perfect,
And then we gain perfection...

Beauty: poetry

Bright beyond the gaze of man,
Elegant in the face of the earth,
Adorable in ways words can't quantify.
Unity among inequalities
Tempting soul that eases breathe away.
You are the real beauty.

pain: poetry


               Could it be pain?

               I sat down in my own world,
               Never expected much from anyone,
              Just wanted more from myself..

              Was it all a bed of lies?

              The fact that all I crave for is art,
              All I want to do is to make a craft,
              But was it not an obscene act?

              I wanted to get out..

Alone: Poetry

           Alone in a place full of darkness and thoughts.
           Defining the true reflection of anguish and pain,
           Being lonely and weary.

            Alone in a world of loneliness and gloominess,
            I lose what I treasure and nurture,
            Feeling lost and hopeless.

A Tale: Poetry

     A Tale

          Was it all a facade?
          He was jovial and carefree,
          Innocent and open minded.

          He never lied,
          But he never conveyed the whole truth,
          Or ever opened up fully.

          Maybe he was cunning,
          Locked up in the cage of two hearts,
          One pleases his body and the other his heart.

           He felt hopeless,
           Losing one to keep another,
           Hurting one to please another.

           But it's all a tale,
           A tale of a king,
           With his soul mate and his queen...

Beauty: Poetry


           The beautiful serenity of the world,
           Welcomed me into a lonely state.

           If I could have seen beyond those beauties
            I would realized they had deeper meanings,

            If I could love the world the way it seems
            I will be blinded and full of grief.

            Things weren't always the way they looked,
            Our discretion and sight of things were just different...

Dark Dot: poetry

Dark Dot

            Dark dot surrounded with clouds.
            I stood alone in a place unknown,
            Being different and significant
            I looked helpless but I noticed it all,
            The most important virtue amongst all is being the one that knoweth all.
            Pretending to know less.

Different: Poetry


             I was created out of an experiment,
             A different being, an alien creature
             Indestructible, unpredictable..

             I lived in a far away place,
             Away from the world,
             Away from the land...

             But I dared to be different;
             I became DIFFERENT...

If only: Poetry

IF only.

              If only I could see the land of the spirit,
              And hear the words conveyed into my ears,
              I would have been different,
              I would understand life in phrases
              If only...

Me: Poetry


               If I could stitch up my heart,
               I would do it with great delight.

               The burning fury of it been broken,
               The painful act of forgiving.

                All I could think of is;

                And the question is;
                 What about ME?

                     Just ME...

Knight: Poetry


              It all started that night,
              My fears, worries and sorrows,
              I never wanted to give in to him.

              I cherished it than my life
              My pride, my body, my nakedness,
              My dignity.

              But I could not control it,
              I could not longer keep it in,
              I needed to be touched, loved and embraced.

              And then it happened,
              Two souls become one,
              Two hearts came together

              And then he came to take over,
              He became my shield,
              The knight of my heart.

Reflection: poetry


              It was all beautiful from the outside,
              Love, trust, believe and companionship.

              But inside it had a different meaning,
              The true reflection of;
              Lust, distaste, betrayal and enmity.

              If true words had meaning,
               Betrayal hurts feelings,
               If the world laid upside down,
               Believed all forgotten.

               Laid deep down inside of the heart who loved,
               Was a true reflection of hatred.

                 And no...
               The pains never left

Murder: Poetry


                The sun was Fiery
                Burnt my skin,
                Heated up my heart,
                Dried up my tears.

                Could I have been happier, If it rained instead?
                Would I have loved the cold weather more?
                Would I have being comfortable with the rain beating me?

                Frustration choked my throat,
                Anguish and pain in my heart,
                My hands were heavy.

               Could the rain have washed away,
               The blood of the innocent I murdered?
               Or could the sun have dried up,
               The innocent blood flowing on the floor?
               I had no reply,

               Even though I washed my hands a million times,
               Nothing will ever change the fact that my innocent hands
               Had now become the hands of a murderer.