Saturday, December 15, 2018

Hopeful Teenagers Chapter Two

Chapter Two

   "I can't". Jake said.
   "It's impossible and you know it". He added.
 Tise took his hands in hers and held it firmly. "It's just my savings and I don't think friendship has a limit when it comes to helping a friend in need".
"I can work extra time at the workshop and earn more money that I'll use to buy the parts and other things I will need to make the car, I don't want to get you involve with that". Jake said calmly.
"But am not complaining, am giving out my savings willingly and you know that, since it's your wish to make that junk into a better car". She paused then continued "you've been my only friend ever since I got transferred into this school, rendering help when you need it, is not a bad idea".
Jake sighed, "Tise", he said gently, "I've told you a dozen times already, I don't want it, I'll be fine, taking that money will make feel indebted to you and am not a fish who mooch off his friends".
"Oh, so this was all about feeling indebted, you’re not going to be indebted to me baby 'cause you’ll be paying me with a lifetime full of friendship". She told him with her all cute up "Tise's" smile.
"Oh Tise, you're incorrigible! Fine I’ll accept it", Jake gave in finally.
"Thanks man". She replied giving him a friendly blow on his shoulder.
"I should be the one thanking you for giving your lifetime savings to a guy you barely know".
Tise bit her lip, "I know it's kinda strange but something deep inside me keeps telling me to help, like it's pushing me and saying, Tise, help, help, help, you know you can do it, you have to help".
Jake smiled, "No doubt 'bout your sub conscious asking you to help, you kinda act weird sometimes, do you know that? Like you’re a weirdo".
  Tise burst into laughter.
"Maybe it's because I don't have a mom", she said curtly.
"Oops, 'm really sorry 'bout that, well I don't have a dad too".
"Awwn awwn, I think that's why you are the inevitable hulk", Tise smiled
Jake stiffened defensively, "I don't understand what you mean by that".
"The hard type that hardly mingle with people, pretending to be strong when your weak, forcing out a smile when your sad", Tise explained further, "fighting all of your problems and difficulties all alone, being independent".
Jake beamed at her, "and is that a compliment?”
"I guess so", she replied biting her lower lip
 "You like biting your lip, especially the lower one", he said staring at her.
  "Oh, I never noticed, I guessed you must have watched me well to observe that", she said with a smile.
  "Just observations and nothing more", he said blandly.
  "Oh I see". She smiled.
"Here is your text book", she said handing it over to Jake.
"You want to go grab some snacks?" he asked receiving his text book.
"Sure, am damn starving than you could even imagine, you sure know the right words to say at the right time, I like that"
Jake smiled, "Thanks for the compliment, let's go", he said as Tise slung her bag over her shoulder and Jake did the same then they both headed for the fast food joint in their school.

 "So when do you intend on collecting the money?" Tise asked collecting her ice-cream and doughnut from the ice-cream vendor.
  "As soon as you’re ready to give it 'cause the junk will be toured to my house today and I hope to start working on it as soon as possible". Jake replied.
  "So can I be there to see the junk?"
Jake raised an eyebrow, "why".
 "Why?" Tise paused for a while, shocked by his reply and then continued.
"because I want to see how wreck the junk is and man if a cook could draw up a taste of a food after losing her sense of taste and a fish monger could identify the type of fish his customers want to buy even though he is blind, then why should you be unable to make that junk into something nice even though you have few knowledge and experience of your dad's design".
"Wow, you've a great sense of humour, your completely right, that got me", Jake paused then continued.
 "But why are you putting so much hope on me, believing I can make that junk into something nice, am just a per_time worker in a mechanic shop and an sixteen years old guy with little experience ".
"Baby, my mom always told me then that true courage is achieving your dreams even when everyone says it's impossible, I believe if you truly have a passion for something you'll never give up and strive harder for the best", Tise took his hands in hers and held it firmly, "I see that courage in you Jake, I believe you can do it, believing you will win the competition".
  "The competition?" Jake asked shocked.
  "I thought the competition was based on scientific research that has to do with our health and body". He added.
"Same here, not until I asked the teach for more information and he said it's a science class, so we can create anything for the competition, an animal field, a computer software, a formula relating to health issues, it's under all aspect of science".
  "Tise that's totally amazing". Jake beamed at her.
  "We better get going before it's too late". He added.
  "Sure". She said and they both walked towards the gate of the school.
 "Somebody help!!!!" a man screamed across the road and Jake and Tise rushed to where the man is only to find out that an old man had being hit by a car which the driver took to his heels without worrying about the poor man he injured.
  "Tise, check his pulse and his heartbeat". Jake said in a shaky tone.
Tise took the man's hand, the left one to be precise and pressed her fingers in between the man's ulna and radius part of his hand.
"The blood is still flowing through his veins", she put her ear on the old man's chest and looked at her wristwatch.
  "Oh no Jake, there is a delay in his heart beat".
"Someone please call the ambulance!!!" Jake yelled and rose from where he was and tried to stop a car for help but all of them refused to help, some said they couldn't put a dead body in their car, some said why should they help someone they don't know, some said the blood of the man will stain their car, some said they don't want to be charged for murder, they all gave numerous excuses.
  After thirty minutes, the ambulance arrived and Jake and Tise followed the man to the hospital.
   Getting to the hospital, the doctor refused to treat the patient unless they deposited some amount of money as the advance payment, Tise tried to arrange for some money but before they could gather up the money, the man gave up a ghost.
Jake walked out in a slow manner with tears dropping from his eyes and Tise followed suit.
  "Only if the taxi driver had followed the traffic rules and regulations, the man will still be alive, only if the people I tried to stop agreed to help the man to the hospital, the man will still be alive, only if the ambulance had arrived on time, the poor man may have still being alive, only if that doctor that sworn an oath to always save lives had agreed to treat that man without requesting for advance payment, Tise, that poor man may have survived. No matter how hard we try our country still won't get better, it won't progress a bit if we keep on going like this, am just so tired of this country, why do they value money more than people's lives. Eight years ago, it was my mom's birthday, dad wanted to buy a birthday present for my mom and my innocent little sister followed him, on that day as usual people didn't follow traffic sign and my dad took a U-turn and drove on a one way then suddenly a big trailer appeared in front of dad's car and before he could do anything the trailer lost control and run them over, my little sister died on the spot but my dad managed to survive somehow, mum blamed dad for what happened and told him she can't afford to lose another child due to his carelessness so therefore if dad should not stop drinking before and when driving and follow the traffic rules she 'll demand for a separation but fate had its way, dad divorced mum just to get married to a multimillionaire's daughter because her father told dad that he 'll help him produce his latest car edition which involved a lot of money, Tise I lost my innocent kid sister due to mistakes that happens every day, mistakes people think are normal, and my dad due to lack of funds, ever since then I had only one rule and that is to follow all rules and regulations". Tise held Jake's hand in hers as he wept.
  "You 're not to be blamed Jake, our country is not the same country that gained independence years back, our country is not the same country great legends fought for, things keeps happening like this because everyone thinks any small mistake people make is a normal thing, they fail to realize that what is wrong is wrong and what is good is good, the old man's death was not your fault dear". Tears gathered in her eyes as she also wept.
  Few minutes later they arrived at Jake's house and they collapsed on the chair.
  Shortly after they heard a sound of a car engine and Jake peeped out his window and saw his boss then they both came out of the house and saw Jake's coworkers touring the junk into his compound.
Tise was shocked seeing the junk, it was a total wreck, completely damaged, "it sure will require lots of money to make something good outta this trash", she murmured as she watched Jake having a conversation with a man that's strange to her but she didn't hesitated to join the conversation.
  "The materials needed to make this junk into something reasonable is quite expensive and some of the car parts like the engine, fuel pump and so on can be difficult to find because they are scarce but with luck on our side we should be able to get them". Mr. Johnson said.
  Jake smiled, he waited so much for this day and now its here, a beginning of a new creation for him.
 "I know sir, am very grateful for your help and involvement and am going to try my possible best to make this junk into what I have in mind". He said with a glow.
  "I know you'll son, I've ordered for the parts and materials you requested for, hopefully you will get them latest by the end of the week". Mr. Johnson replied.
"Thanks a lot sir, I’ll appreciate it if I could get it by then sir". Jake returned the gesture Mr. Johnson gave him.
  "Okay son, I'll have to get going 'cause I've lots of work to do at the garage so stay blessed son". Mr Johnson smiled as he and Jake's coworkers left the house.
  "This will be more interesting than I thought, making a car will be one of the best moments am going to have in high school". Tise said as she walked slowly towards Jake and leaned forward to held his hands.
"And it's all going to be happening because of you man". She smiled.
  "I think I'll be looking forward not to let your hopes down miss Tise". Jake said and they both smiled, Jake felt his heart beat a little bit faster as he saw Tise smile and the curve of her lips, he felt a surge of happiness rushing inside his veins as the adrenaline increased he had not felt that way in his entire life. His heart is probably racing for the first time.
 Tise broke the silence. "And what were you thinking?” she said huskily removing his hand from hers.
  "Huh!!!” he was lost in thought.
"Well I was just thinking about how long it will take to make this junk into something nice, I just can't wait for my ride to look hot". He smiled at her, making the lie so real, he couldn't find himself telling her that he was falling for her when he himself still find it difficult to believe.
  "Oh yes, I’ve got to have a long talk with you about that and other things too like my research and our forth coming exams so I think I'll have to come more often". She told him blandly. The warmness of his midnight dark eyes gave her a disastrous effect on her nervous system.
  "And your really sure you want to come more often?” he gazed at her in confusion, the glittering innocent eyes beneath their soft lids were regarding him with some amusement.
 "You mean you don't want me to come around?” she raised a sardonic eyebrow.
 "You aren't intending to do me any bad or are you?" She added.
"No...of course not". He retorted indignantly.
"It's just that I've never stayed close to someone for a long period of time so I can't guarantee you coming more often and we working together a success". He added, wishing dearly that he had never told her about the junk stuff and all.
 Almost as if she could read his mind, Tise's mouth twitched in silent humor, "I'm not tempting you or am I?” she asked him blandly.
  "No...Not at all". Jake told her hurriedly, suddenly finding the atmosphere claustrophobic.
"That's better". She said with a smile.
"Although I will advise you learn how to stick around with people in the future, it will do you some good".
 "Yeah thanks, I’ll". Jake smiled, staring at her black hair and her hot eyes.
 "I think I'll better get going before my dad starts to make a fuss about my where about". Tise said feeling the gaze of his dark eyes underneath the heavy lids on her body.
  "Yeah, you should start going". She nodded as he watched her walk towards the gate of his house.
  "This is going to be hectic than I thought". Jake murmured staring at the junk right in front of him, he walked towards the door of his house and took a sit in front of his computer, switched it on and continued with the design he was creating.

  "Where the heck have you been all day?” Mr. Elliot yelled at his daughter as he watched her body trembled and saw the fear in her eyes.
"Dad, I just em… er… went to see a friend so she could help me with my assignments".
  "Dad I know you've warned me severally not to associate with students in my new school and make friends, but ever since mum died and we had to relocate to his town I have been very lonely, I need people around me". She took a deep breath wishing dearly that her father will understand her plight.
"I understand dear but I can't afford to lose you the same way I lost your mother, the outside world is too wicked than you can imagine, am doing all of this for your safety and don't forget that I can give anything to protect you, even if it means your so called friend's life".
  "I know dad", Tise said as she watched her dad walk away.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Hopeful Teenagers: Chapter one

Chapter One

"Oops!" Jake exclaimed staring at his wristwatch. He was running late to school again. He picked up his bag and rushed out of the house, nearly crashing into his mum whom he just managed to bid farewell to before bursting out the door.
  He arrived at school just before the first period of the day. Being in the final year in high school could be pretty tough sometimes. He hurried to his classroom and took his seat. Few minutes later the teacher came in and told the students about the upcoming scientists invention programme.
“it’s happening for the first time in our high school, it has to do with all science students creating and inventing things that have to do with science", the teacher said wearing a low smile on his face.
  After hearing about the competition programme, every student in happy day college got to work immediately, some started their research on cancer, some on heart blockage, some on tumours, some on the eyes, some on the lungs and so on. Who would sit idle when the winner gets a scholarship to study his desirable course in any university of his choice in the world?
  The bell rang, it was time for basketball practice, all the girls in all classes rushed to the basketball hall to see Jake practice. To them he looks more hot and charming when he plays basketball. He is an handsome guy loaded with charm. Tall, slender and smart, with his fine dimples and cute smile.
  The school had four top richest cool guys, whose fathers were the founders of the school, they come to school whenever they want to, bully anyone they want to, meet, use and dump girls like shit, they are the school craziest guys.
"Someone really needs to teach them a lesson", Jake thought about it every time they entered the school.
 Peter and his friends entered the classroom and took their seats, shortly after a girl arrived, her walking step was superb, her dangling earrings, her pink lips, her innocent eyes and her swinging hair as she walked. She was about five feet seven with chocolate skin, slender and hot. She sat down on a sit in front of Jake beside Peter, all the guys in the class were swept off their feet.
  Jake himself couldn't stop starring at her, she was an angel, but who knows what will happen next, maybe she was truly an angel who will teach those guys a lesson, no one could easily say.
 "Hi, am Tise", Tise said with a smile on her face.
Jake looked back to be sure she was actually talking to him and when he was sure he returned the kind gesture she gave him.
"Am Jake...Jake Matthew", he replied with a smile on his face.
 "Nice knowing you exist", Tise smiled.
Peter got angry and hit his hand on his desk “bloody asshole". He murmured, a tall and cute guy with pink lips, midnight eyeballs and curly hair.
  They had all their classes and it was closing hours, Peter walked straight to Tise's desk hoping to have a conversation with her.
 "Hi pretty damsel, am Peter Williams, what's yours?"
Tise concentrated on the biology text book she was glancing through.
"Hey miss am talking to you", Peter said hitting his hand on her desk.
"But I don't want to talk to you, can't you see that? And I’ll appreciate it if you'll let me be". Tise snapped at him and packed all her books inside her bag and turned back.
"Hey Jake, would you mind having a conversation with me? I really need to know about this school", she said politely.
  "Sure", Jake replied picking up his bag and then he left with Tise.
 "Damn", Peter hit his hand on the desk in front of him.
"Jake doesn't like to mingle with people, how come he followed her? Could it be that he is also falling for her?" He asked himself in curiosity.
"And why are you so curious to know?" Mike questioned. Tall, slender, fair skin with stunning looks.
"Is she a new catch?" Luke asked. Tall, cute, fair and bright eyes.
"Can't you see she is", Nate replied. Cute tall and slender with pink lips and bright smile.
"Will you guys just shut it", Peter said in annoyance and they all went numb.
"Come on guys let's go", Peter added and they all left.
"People will always say you’ll get the best training, inspiration, hope that..." Jake leaned forward and continued. "You may not be able to get in your entire life only at high school"
"Wow, cool", Tise blushed a little allowing her smile to reach her hot eyes.
"That's interesting", she continued, "don't you think there is more I should know about, like the rules and regulations of the school, the limit of naughtiness and especially who and who not to interact with?”
"You'll get to know about the rules and regulations tomorrow and speaking of who to interact with, the way you spoke to Peter earlier was not nice", Jake said putting his hands into his pocket, with his all cute and smart looks.
"Actually 'bout the way I reacted with peter, he kinda looks like a play boy and am not a girl who gets soften or smitten by sweet words" she said biting her lip.
"Wooh, how did you know peter is a play boy?" He asked amused.
Tise smiled, "I figured, have come across many guys like him and boy am always using my head", she said and they both burst into laughter.
"That's cool", Jake admitted.
"Hmmn, if you don't mind mademoiselle, I think I’ve got to go now", Jake said jokingly.
"Mademoiselle, isn't that French?" She asked.
"Yep", Jake replied.
"Hmmn nice, you may leave first Monsieur", Tise returned the kind gesture he gave her as she heard him walk towards the gate of the school.
"What a lovely guy", she murmured.

Jake got home a little bit late than usual, he dropped his bag in his room, hung his jacket on the wall then went straight to his mom's room.
 "Hi mom", Jake greeted his sick mother who is infected with cancer of the lungs and had to live on drugs he could afford. She looked pale, slender and had lost a lot of hair.
 His mother tried to raise her head to sit up and Jake helped her.
 "How was your day?" His mother asked with curiosity seeing her son smiling.
"More interesting than usual", he replied blushing.
"I think it was really interesting to see you blush earnestly, I pray you'll always be happy my son", she said dipping her fingers into his black soft hair and roughen it a little.
 "Mom, I got to go for my per time job, hope you don't want me to do anything for you?"
His mother shook her head
"Okay mom, bye", he pecked her on the right cheek and left.
  Jake arrived at the workshop he works in, it was a mechanic workshop, he is a type of guy who has a lot of likes, and he likes things easily when he gets to know fully about it. He changed into his workshop uniform and started working, in the process he saw a junk car that was disposed in the workshop, and he decided to ask his boss what it was for.
 "For extraction of metal", Mr. Johnson replied sipping his coffee. A huge man with bald hair and dark skin.
"Sir can you please sell it to me, I really love it", Jake pleaded.
"It's just a junk, why do you want it so desperately?"
"Because I want to renew it and make it look good", Jake replied innocently.
" have been a very good boy ever since you started working here, letting you have the junk is not something big, and you can have it as a gift from me to you ".
"Oh really? Thanks you very much sir, am deeply grateful sir", he said happily.
"You’re welcome son", Mr. Johnson replied.
  "I'll get back to work now sir", Jake said as he rose.
  "Okay son".

  As Jake is good in music, dance, arts and he is intelligent, he also have his way with computers, he got home late in the night and went straight to his room to begin his research for the competition, he focused on the heart, heart...heart blockage and so on, his dad happened to be a mechanical engineer, maybe that led to the passion he has for cars, he had always watched his dad create designs for cars he want to make.
 "This is really going to be difficult but I need to make a design more than dad's designs in order to show him that without him I can still become a mechanical engineer". He murmured and after rolling on his bed for couple of hours he fell asleep.

  Tise's lips parted in soundless gasp, at the same time she banged her hand on her computer desk in front of her, putting on a jean short and a green crop top to match with.
  "I still can't make a better presentation about brain tumors", she murmured in disappointment.
"I better try to get some sleep", she added then took a sip out of the juice in front of her and headed for her bed, laid on it then she removed a picture underneath her pillow.
"I really wish you are alive mom", she put the picture on her chest and hugged her arms around it and later on she fell asleep.
"Who the hell do you think you are?" Peter demanded in exasperation, pointing a finger at Tise.
"It was just a friendly morning greetings, how dare you snob me?"
Tise rolled her eyes at him, "and when did I do that?"
Peter stared at her, "why didn't you reply my greetings earlier?"
Tise gave him a measuring look, "do I look like a kid to you? The one you can control? Reciprocate your greetings when you want me to, extend my greetings when you want it, smile at you when you need it 'cause I just don't get it?”
Peter smiled stiltedly, “I hope not, but you could at least reply my greetings, it's the least I expected from you"
"Oh okay, fine, morning, hope we are good now? And please I feel quite uncomfortable with the way you keep talking to me and I'll kindly ask you to let it stop", Tise said in her best way of being polite.
"Not yet", peter flushed.
"Until I get what I want", he added
"That's your problem man, have got loads of work to do, so can you kindly excuse me and gently return to your seat?"
Peter leered at her, "okay, it’s just for starters in friendship".
 Tise chuckled, "what..e..ver man" and turned her gaze to the text book she was trying to figure out something from.
 "What a miserable guy", she murmured after he left.
"That was not good", Mike said gloomily as Peter returned to his seat.
"I have been wondering if am only sexually attracted to that girl or I really want to be in a deep relationship with her, you know, something genuine and real that will last for a very long time", Peter said with great enthusiasm.
  "Sweet heavens!!! Is Peter really falling in love? I can't believe what am hearing", Nate put on a smile, struck by surprise.
"Mehn, I think my bro here is really born again and have received some kind of deliverance", Luke added with a smile.
"Will you guys just stop fooling around? It doesn't look like am joking, I think I really like her, she didn't fall for my walking steps, swags, my wealth and my charming look, I mean we are always the most charming guys in HDC who girls are always crazy for", Peter said and Nate flipped in.
"Who can say, maybe she is different and have got other taste apart from what you've got, we were handsome and cute but not anymore ".
  "I hope she don't hear about your past behaviours with girls", Luke smile warmed them.
"Maybe she likes intelligent guys like Jake", Mike suggested.
All the same, the glow of admiration in Peter's eyes as he stared at Tise and wanting to hold her, hug her and kiss her was still on his mind.
  "Come to think of it Nate, you said earlier that we were handsome but not anymore, what do you mean by that?" Mike questioned.
Nate sighed, "Can’t you see it guys? when we were in our first year in high school, we were charming, young, handsome and cute, our hair styles was lovely, our characters as the PNML guys were purely good intentions before Peter changed the whole thing saying he wanted us to look more matured, giving us unfitted hair styles, changing our intentions, made us to oppress students who are of average status in wealth, not attending classes regularly, not abiding with the school rules and especially Peter not putting on his school uniform".
  "That's true, we were meek, gentle, social with all of our classmates, Intelligent I suppose and hot". Luke said with a grin.
Peter lifted his chin, "so you guys are saying am the one at fault?"
"Maybe, 'cause it was not what we really wanted, being oppressors and the dullest students in school 'cause we are rich", Mike said looking slightly embarrassed.
Peter sighed, "So what are you guys suggesting we do?"
 "Go back to the guys we were and having the good intentions we had", Nate sounded amused.
  "Okay guys, we are going to do just that, after school hours we 'll go to a nearby salon and have normal haircuts, then we’ll create our reading time table and study hard as before, be the PNML guys with good intentions because you guys sounded like am the selfish one among us", Peter concluded.
"That's the man bro", Nate said nicely.

"Hey Jake, can you lend me your physics text book, I need to glance through it to figure out some formulas", Tise asked politely.
He nodded gravely and brought out his physics text book and handed it over to Tise.
"Thanks, what's wrong? You look so dull and worried, did anything go wrong?" she asked with concern, receiving the text book.
"Nothing much, I just need to figure out some things and save up some money". Jake replied curtly
"And are you sure it's not something you will like to share or talk about?”
"Not yet", Jake replied calmly.

Hopeful Teenagers: A novel

Shonibare precious

 Hopeful Teenagers

Some teenagers never gave up on being Hopeful, they never stopped hoping, hoping for a better tomorrow and a better country Nigeria.

   To all the diligent teenagers and youths who never give up on life

  About the Author

Precious is a student of Olabisi Onabanjo University,  studying agricultural economics, she is in her second year, she started writing when she was in senior secondary school, she is a fan of music, a poet and a dancer.


8.Am, Lagos, Nigeria.
   May 22nd 2007......
"The whole city is in chaos as a result to an explosion that took place at moslem international college, lot of lives were lost and many children's future were cut short. The police are trying there possible best to find out the cause of the explosion, rumour has it that it was due to the fake wires and cables supplied by the almighty flourish company that caused the explosion, but we can't be so sure. Stay tuned as we bring to you the best news at your service". A lagos T.V reporter in his early twenties with a strong masculine structure all suit up said.
   "The country is in tears as we heard about the embezzlement of funds that brought upon the country a great recession, the citizens are in pains, mothers and fathers running around to provide for their children, children praying for the success of their parents, underage kids hawking just to survive. The question that comes out of every one's mouth is that will there ever be a better Nigeria? We don't know what tomorrow is going to bring but looking at how things are going, Nigeria may perish anytime soon, our country respect is been lost and we bow our head in shame, oh lord we seek thou face". Another T.V reporter said with tears almost dropping from her eyes. A very young and cute up young lady.

"Mummy, mummy!!! What's happening? Why can't I go to school, what's happening in our country?" Little Jake asked his mother with worried eyes.
  "Oh baby, don't worry about this and just focus on your home lessons, there will be a better Nigeria I assure you dear". She said drawing her son closer to her.
"Mummy I want chocolate", little Lola cried as she hugged her mother and brother.
  "Happy birthday sweetheart". Mr Matthew said as he entered the sitting room with a smile.
  "Oh dear, thanks a lot, I almost forgot it's my birthday, with the chaos happening in our country one can even forget to breathe". Mrs Matthew said a gloomily.
  "Oh Christ, I forgot to pick up your birthday gift at the supermarket, I think I had enough of alcohol at the company's party". Mr Matthew said.
  "So you have been drinking?" Mrs Matthew raised an eyebrow.
  "Not really sweet, just a few glasses, don't worry hon let me go back to pick up your gift".
  "Daddy, daddy, I want to go with you, I want chocolate", little Lola cried out and clung to her dad.
  "Maybe you should just take her with you, she has been crying for chocolate all day".
  "Okay dear I will be back soon".
"Drive carefully and come back home soon, I love you hon".
   "Love you too dear". Mr Matthew said as he headed out of the house.